Mansour Al Rahbani…RIP












Mansour Rahbani is a, Lebanese composer,musician and producer.He was born in Antelias, in 1925, and grew up in an artistic environment. Mansour Rahbani died on January 13, 2009 at the age of 83.

When his father died, Mansour was forced early on to face the bitter side of life, and joined Beirut’s judicial police when he was only seventeen years old.

He received his first musical education on the hands of Father Paul el Achkar, following which he studied Eastern music, musical scores, melodies, Harmony, counterpoint, orchestration and musical analysis. Mansour studied for nine years under the guidance of Bertrand Robillard, who is considered to be the main catalyst which allowed the young Rahbani’s talent to shine through. In the words of the great composer Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Mansour’s musical gift changed the fate of Eastern music and song.

During his musical education he collaborated with his brother Assi in creating the Rahbani brothers. The two brothers went on to join the ranks of the Near East Radio, where they composed many artistic works as well as a series of sketches entitled “Sabeh and Makhoul”. When Assi Rahbani married Nouhad Haddad (also known as Fairuz) in 1955, the two brothers formed a new Rahbani trio with her. They would compose poems and songs, which Fairuz would sing with great prowess. The music of the Rahbani Brothers was inspired by the Arab, Islamic, Maronite and Byzantine musical traditions, in addition to Lebanese folklore, and they are deeply acquainted with western classical music.

As for the Rahbanian singing theatre, it is considered a unique form, which differs somewhat from the international standard for operas. Their special style, known as the ‘Rahbani Theatre’, focuses on the values of dignity, truth, gracefulness, and the depth of its philosophical subjects in order to concentrate on the three main subjects of God, the Human Being, and the Land. The writings of the Rahbani Theatre are concerned with history, the country, the land, the future, and of course the fate of the poor and common people, with special emphasis on Lebanese folklore. The Rahbani Theatre also tackles the various socio-political problems of the Arab world, as shown in the Brothers’ numerous songs about the crises of Palestine and Algeria. The Rahbani Theatre has succeeded in introducing a new generation of singers, who went on to become famous stars in the Arab world.

The Rahbani’s repertoire includes plays, poems and melodies that were introduced in the study programs of famous universities around the world, including the Sorbonne, Harvard, Oxford, as well as universities in Lebanon and the Arab world. The Rahbani Brothers have also extended their activities to the world of cinema, and composed the music for three illustrious films: Biyaa el Khawatem (The Ring Seller), Safar Barlek (Exile), and Bent el Hares (The Guardian’s Daughter). Following the death of his brother, Mansour Rahbani wrote and produced grand theatrical plays, including Summer 840, The Will, The Last Days of Socrates, He Rose on the 3rd Day, The Maronite Mass, Abu Tayeb al Mutanabbi, Moulouk al Tawaef, The Last Day, Hekm al Rehyan, Gibran and the Prophet, Zenobia, and today The Return of the Phoenix.

Mansour Rahbani was admitted to the “Hôtel-Dieu de France” hospital following a severe case of pneumonia. He spent three days in intensive care after which he passed away at the age of 83.


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  3. excellent writing .

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