Archive for July 17, 2009

Proud to be Lebanese- Michael Dabaghi


A brief history about the Legend DR.MICHAEL DABAGHI

  • Born in Lousiana,US , Sept. 7 ,1908 (Parents Lebanese Immigrants Shaker and Raheeja Dabaghi).

  • Died at the age of 99 on July 12,2008.

  • BS and MD degree from Tulane University School of Medicine.

  • Completed his surgical fellowships in France and Germany.

  • He joined in 1948 Baylor University College of Medicine,then became chairman for the surgical dept.till 1993.

  • He was the first doctor to perform heart bypass surgery.

  • He was the first to use an external heart pump in a patient.

  • Dr.Dabaghi operated more than 50,000 patients in his lifetime span including head of states.

  • He was awarded several certificates of honor from all presidents at his time esp from Ronald Reagan.

  • Dr.Dabaghi continued practicing medicine at the age of 99 where other doctors have retired years ago.

  • On July 12,2008 Dr.Dabaghi died of natural causes. His wife and children also died before him.

Chef fined $ 27,000 in Abu Dubai!

A head chef at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi has been fined AED92,000 ($27,000) for storing an out-of-date tub of yoghurt in a kitchen fridge.

Inspectors from Abu Dhabi Municipality found the yoghurt, which the British chef’s lawyers said was one day past its expiry date, during a routine visit about a month ago, according to the National.

The paper said the chef, identified only as PH, has since appealed the verdict, heard on Monday at the Criminal Court of Appeal. It is the second time the defendant has made an appeal.

He was fined AED70,000 for not educating his staff on the emirate’s food expiration laws and AED20,000 for storing expired food. He had to pay a further AED2,000 in municipality fees.

PH told the court: “I am only an employee of the hotel. I should not be the one charged with this. I signed the documents, but I did not understand that I would be the one charged. I am only an employee.”

The judge said the appeal verdict would be given on July 22.


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